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Saturday 18 December 2010

Bag Packing

Dear all,

Don't forget this Thursday we will be bag packing at Sainsburys. We need Scouts to be there from 6pm to 9pm in full uniform. You all managed to look your best for Remembrance Sunday so let's do it again.

Please support Pam with this - it is our most important fund raising of the year and lets face it, it has to be better than organising a dozen jumble sales!



Tuesday 14 December 2010

Details for Ice Skating

This week we will be ice skating at Blackburn. Entry and skate hire costs around £7.50. 
We will be meeting as usual at 7 and travelling to Blackburn by car. The leaders will provide transport but we might need an extra car if all the Scouts turn up. The rink closes at 10 so we should be back at around 10.30.

Could a parent please volunteer to provide transport to this event. You might well not be needed but if we can't fit everybody in we can't go. Would volunteers please let me know either by email or phone 01772 861319

