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Tuesday 19 March 2013

The Last Post

Dear all,

I'm moving the website over to a new setup, from today will link to a new site. is the Scout section where our troop notices and information will be displayed.
I am also changing the provider for the email lists. You will need to re-register by clicking this link - Subscribe to Longridge Scout Troop by Email. The link is also available on the website front page.

Please also remember there will be no Scouts this week due to Leader's commitments



Thursday 14 March 2013


Firstly, a big thank you to Judi and her team for the excellent Heartstart first aid training tonight. All the Scouts really enjoyed it and gained some really useful skills. Hopefully they won't be needed!

The next meeting will be in two weeks - the leaders cannot make it to Scouts next week.

Thanks too for the excellent response with the County Rally forms, the camp will go ahead, could those who forgot tonight please bring their forms in two weeks.

Finally, here are a few photos from last weekend when we went to Waddecar and planted over two hundred trees.



Just a reminder - we have an external trainer in tonight to run the BHF Heartstart course. Could everybody please get to Scouts for 7 in uniform. Also please bring in your County Rally forms and money if you want to go.