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Tuesday 22 January 2013

Bowlander 2013 Information

For many years the Bowlander event has been run by West Lancs Scouts and takes the form of a two day expedition around the local fells. The event is run as a competition but is also ideal for any Scout who would like to learn more about navigation and fellwalking.

There are training events held before the actual competition to teach Scouts the necessary skills.

On Saturday 2nd February a training day will be held for Scouts new to the event, it will be held at Beacon Fell and the cost is £3.
A two day training event is to be held on 2nd / 3rd March at Waddecar and the actual event is to be held on 13th / 14th April. More information about these dates will follow.

For now I could do to know how many Scouts would like to take part in the event. If you do the training you don’t have to take part in the competition (although I hope you will!) so don’t be put off if you are not free for just one of the dates. Please return the form to Scouts asap.

Click here for a copy of the form - Copies will be given out at Scouts

If you are going on the 2nd Feb there is an information sheet, you will also need to fill in a health form (copies also from Scouts)

I have received more information from the organiser click here for the flyer and here for more information.



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