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Thursday 28 February 2013

Bowlander this weekend

To the Scouts that are going this weekend - Joe, Matt, Alex and Will.

I have just managed to get a leader to take you this weekend, nobody was available for Preston district but a leader from Ormskirk has volunteered.

I'm not sure what the arrangements will be yet for food, I have sent the leader an email and I'm waiting for his reply, so we'll either be sorting something ourselves or buying-in to whatever they are doing.

We can sort out the equipment tonight at Scouts - stoves, tents etc. obviously you will need the normal personal gear - walking clothes (no jeans), day sack, whistle, torch, gloves, hat, waterproofs, walking boots & small first aid kit.

There are a couple more forms to fill in and take with you, copies here and here or I'll bring some to Scouts tonight. The signature of the leader is required anyway.

See you tonight,


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